Dropsy In Fish: A Guide To Symptoms & Treatment

Dropsy In Fish: A Guide To Symptoms & Treatment

Keeping your tank healthy is the main concern of an aquarist. So if a fish gets dropsy, that’s a problem that you will need to deal with.

Many fish keepers get confused and don’t know where to start when it comes to dropsy.

That’s why we put together this resource. It will educate you about everything you need to know about dropsy in fish, and how to get it out of your tank.

Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

  1. What Is Dropsy?
    1. Is Dropsy Contagious?
  2. Symptoms
  3. Causes
  4. Dropsy Treatment
    1. Quarantine Fast
    2. Add Some Salt
    3. Step Up Their Diet
    4. Use Antibiotics
  5. How To Prevent It
  6. Summary

What Is Dropsy?

Before we get into the nuances, we should start by quickly explaining what dropsy is.

In short, dropsy is a condition that manifests itself as swelling or bloat in fish. It can touch the . Spending some extra time now will prevent suffering and headaches later. majority of species (including bettas and all types of goldfish) that are kept in aquariums and has a number of different possible causes.

This swelling is usually isolated to the belly (abdomen) of the fish it affects. It can become quite noticeable depending on the severity.

While some owners think that it’s a cosmetic issue, it’s more serious than that. Dropsy is often fatal.

Is Dropsy Contagious?

Usually dropsy is not contagious. But for when providing treatment assume that it is contagious ( the sake of caution ) .


There are a lot of obvious and common dropsy symptoms for you to look out for. However, there is one that mostly stands out:


A fish that seriously suffer from this condition will show swelling primarily in their abdomen this is the result of a buildup of fluid in the tissue.

If things reach the point where there is significant swelling in their belly then the view is not great. That means things have progressed to the point where the entire body is effected (namely their organs).

Fortunately, you can keep an eye out on other symptoms that will usually occur before things get this bad. Some of these symptoms are:

  • Clamping of the fins
  • Pale feces
  • A lack of energy and movement
  • A loss of appetite
  • A curve developing in their spine
  • loosing color in their gills
  • Swelling near their anus
  • Eyes that are beginning to bulge and swell


There are many causes of dropsy that you should be aware of. While we will talk about the specific treatments and prevention a bit later on, understanding the causes of this condition will help with that too.

It has been scientifically proven that the root cause of these symptoms is a bacteria called Aeromona. Opposite to what some people think, this bacteria in not a foreign invader it actually lives in your tank all the time.

A fish can only suffer from this bacteria if it has weakened immune system

This means you shouldn’t consider the bacteria as the cause of dropsy. The root cause is whatever damaged the immune system of your fish in the first place.

Here are the usual culprits:

  • Poor diet
  • Fluctuations in Nitrite and Ammonia
  • Poor water quality
  • Inconsistent water temperature

The good thing about all of these is that you have to power to control them completely. If you’re able to maintain an optimal and healthy habitat for your fish, it’s unlikely that you will face these issues.

Dropsy Treatment

A lot of aquarists want to learn how to cure dropsy. Unfortunately, that’s not possible. There’s no easy path to make this condition magically disappear.

It’s a multi-step treatment process that you’ll need to follow, and depending on how severe dropsy in your fish the results will be, but you’ll be giving your fish the best chance possible.

Quarantine Fast

Setting up a quarantine for the affected fish is the first and important thing you can do when you are trying to treat dropsy. Which means a separate tank that has the necessary water parameters for whatever species you suspect might be sick.

It’s favorable to keep this tank devoid of decorations. Even if your fish normally prefers plants, driftwood and rocks, you won’t want to add none of these variables to your tank. Just a heater and filter will do.

Once your quarantine tank is ready to go, move the affected fish over.

Add Some Salt

Now that you have isolated the affected fish it’s time to add salt to the tank. A general rule of thumb to follow is 1 teaspoon for each gallon of water in the tank.

Salt is helpful when treating dropsy because it can remove some of that built up water and fluid in their body. This will comfort your fish more and facilitate the recovering process (unchecked swelling is always fatal).

There are a lot of different salt products out there in the market, but there’s only one brand we trust. Even if your fish doesn’t have dropsy right now, we recommend to have some of this on hand just in case:

Medicament dyalna

  • Effective solution for treating dropsy
  • Promotes disease recovery and fish health with increased electrolytes
  • Composed of  evaporated sea water for all-natural results
  • Improves respiration for fish in freshwater aquariums

Step Up Their Diet

Providing the perfect diet is always something you should aim for, it’s absolutely essential when treating dropsy.

Imagine if your body was trying to fight a serious illness while you are only eating cereal for every meal. You don’t need to be a nutritionist to know that won’t serve you well!

High-quality foods will not only provide your fish with essential vitamins and nutrients to aid the healing process, but it will help them build their immune system back up as well.

The perfect diet will vary depending on the species you’re dealing with.

Use Antibiotics

The last option when treating dropsy is using a trusted antibacterial medication. Depending on the how severe and well your fish responds to the other treatment methods, you might not need to take this path .

However, if no progress has been made then antibiotics are the next step.

Applying the medication to your tank is a very simple process. All you need to do is follow the instructions on the product you buy.

But choosing the right product is a key element. There are a lot of them out there and they all claim to provide the same benefits.

Fortunately, we can recommend the very best. The antibiotic below has been proven its effectiveness and It has been used by countless aquarists to help treat dropsy and other ailments.

There are obviously no guarantees when it comes to medication (as you know, there’s no cure for dropsy), but this antibiotic will give you the best chance.

Dwa dyalna

  • Treats dropsy , heals bacterial infections, and repairs damaged fins and open wounds
  • Also helps treat newly-introduced fish to reduce risk of disease outbreak in freshwater aquariums
  • Has natural, botanical tea tree extract to quickly help fish

How To Prevent It

If you read the section of this article where we talk about the causes of dropsy, you can probably guess what methods are most effective to prevent it.

Maintaining a healthy tank with great water quality and will reduce the likelihood of your fish developing dropsy significantly. Nearly all of the factors that cause this condition arise from sub optimal living conditions.

First, take the water quality very seriously. You should be consistent with the core water parameters and make sure that the levels of Ammonia and Nitrite are stable.

You should always aspire to maintain a healthy and clean water by performing water changes, using proper filtration, and not adding unnecessary organic waste from overfeeding. 

Secondly, don’t get lazy with their diet. A balanced and healthy diet will improve the health of your fish, and make it more resilient to sickness.

Go the extra mile by providing your fish with the highest-quality food you can find.

Lastly, do everything in your power to minimize stress in the tank. Fish that doesn’t live in a comfortable environment are at a much greater risk of developing illnesses and disease. Keep your fish in a secure aquarium that meets their needs, and they’ll be happy.


No aquarist wants to deal with dropsy. But unfortunately, it’s a part of the Journey.

That’s why it’s smart to educate yourself as much as you can on this condition. By making yourself more aware, you’ll be prepared if one of your fish gets it.

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